Advantages of Oxygen Generator

OXYGEN – A line of robust, reliable and modular Oxygen generators based on Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology using state of the art Zeolite Molecular Sieves adsorbents. SYSADVANCE generators produce high purity Oxygen from compressed air, allowing continuous availability at a very competitive cost, compared to alternative supply with cylinders or cryogenic tank.

OXYGEN eliminates all disadvantages associated to purchase and operation costs of high-pressure cylinder systems or cryogenic tanks, enabling a permanent source of Oxygen, with minimum energy consumption and maintenance requirements.

OXYGEN is designed to be easily installed in any indoor facility, requiring only a compressed air line and a power connection.

With purities up to 95% of O2, OXYGEN can be connected to an external buffer allowing a backup or a delay of production/consumption according to the needs of each application. The modular philosophy of SYSADVANCE OXYGEN generators allows the installation of multiple parallel units.


Pressure Swing Adsorption can be used to produce N2 or O2 from compressed air, which is fed to the unit that uses adsorption phenomena to remove the contaminants: N2 when the desired pure gas is O2, or O2 when the desired pure gas is N2. Also, in both cases, H2O and CO2 are removed as well as other minor contaminants. The PSA unit contains two columns packed with a selective adsorbent that has affinity towards the component to be removed: A carbon molecular sieve is used to produce N2 and zeolites are used to produce O2. Each column undergoes a cyclic sequence of high and low pressure steps that guarantees the production of a continuous flow of high purity gas. In the high pressure step, the adsorbent retains the contaminants present in the compressed air and the desired gas (N2 or O2) is obtained from the top of the columns. The regeneration is accomplished in the low pressure step, with the release of contaminants retained by the adsorbent.