[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Sterile compressed air can be utilized both in the process as well as a conveying and control air. Its designation comes from the characteristic that the compressed air utilized must be sterile. This means that the compressed air must be free of propagating germs.

This requirement is specified everywhere where the operating standards for hygiene are particularly high. These are mainly the foodstuff and luxury food industries, pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry, packaging industry and medical technology. The reason for this is that bacteria, viruses, oil, water and dust can result in adverse effects in many areas for the product and will ultimately be responsible for causing health problems for the end user.

A sterile filter is mostly utilized in order to create sterile compressed air. In order to ensure that the sterile filter remains sterile, it must be sterilized at regular intervals with saturated steam. Another possibility is cleaning the compressed air with a catalytic converter.

Process safety is essential for retaining and inspecting the sterility of the compressed air because failure to comply with the requirements can lead to reduced product quality, to recalls of products and therefore damage for end consumption as well as for the corporate image. Associated financial losses must also be considered.

[vc_custom_heading text=”Suggested Products” use_theme_fonts=”yes” link=”|||”][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_empty_space][vc_single_image image=”863″ img_size=”full” onclick=”custom_link” link=”http://www.medair.com.pk/oil-free-compressors/”][vc_empty_space height=”13px”][vc_column_text]PureAir Medical Compressor[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”425″ img_size=”medium” onclick=”custom_link” link=”http://www.medair.com.pk/pumps-for-medical-ventilators-and-respirators/”][vc_column_text]Nitrogen Generator[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A Medical air compressor is the main component of a Medical air system and a type of air compressor that transforms power into potential energy in pressurized air, usually found in medical facilities and medical air plants.

Medical air compressors as an essential part of Medical air systems, over time, has become a necessity for medical facilities all over the world. Unlike the other many types of compressors on the market, a medical air compressor is specifically designed to meet certain requirements in the medical world. As the name already suggests, medical air compressor systems typically supply medical air. Medical air is therefore not only a clean, compressed, dry, odorless air used to satisfy medical needs, it is also classified as a medicine.

Since medical air is considered a pharmaceutical product, medical compressed air systems, therefore, must meet statutory standards and requirements.

According to its mode of operation, there are different types of medical air compressors used in medical air systems:

  • Lubricated or Oil-less Reciprocating Compressors
  • Lubricated or Oil-free screw Compressors
  • Oil-free Scroll Compressors.
  • Oil-free tooth compressors.

Depending on local requirements different kinds of compressor technology may be used as a part of Medical air systems, which are considered as a Medical Device. Medical air systems usually consist of Medical air compressors, receivers and Medical air dryers and filters. Only at the outlet of such a system does compressed air become Medical air as a medicine.

Oil-less reciprocating compressors are single-stage or 2-stage, fixed-speed and oil-less compressors produced and packaged in a sound dampening enclosure. It is typically used in medical air systems when an intermitted cycle is most needed.

It is designed to keep oil out of the air stream and compression chamber. Medical air systems using oil-free medical compressors do not take the risk to mix residual contaminants to the medical air in case parts of Medical air dryers and filters fail.

Medical air systems consist of a clean copper piping that the medical air travels through into supply units like ventilators and respirators. Oil-less reciprocating compressors are considered to be cost-effective to install and maintain. Because of these advantages and optional noise reduction, most medical experts prefer it for smaller size hospitals.

Similarly, oil-free tooth compressors, also known as displacement compressors, keep the air enclosed in a chamber. There are self-regulating, cost-effective to maintain and operate quietly.

Scroll compressors consist of a stationary and moving scroll. The moving scroll rotates around the rotating scroll to compress the medical air, decreasing its volume and increasing the pressure.

Unlike the others, scroll compressors are typically small in size, operate extremely quiet and almost without any vibrations. They are known to operate in well duty cycles, and maintenance level for this type of compressor is significantly minimized. Because of the noise reduction, most medical experts prefer it beside oil-less reciprocating compressors.

What Are the Principal Applications of a Medical Air Compressor?

Hospitals the world over depend on medical air compressors for important end daily operational use. Medical air compressors system can be applied in the following areas:

  • Operating room: A surgeon relies on fully functional compressed air to keep patients comfortable, whether there is an emergency or not. A reliable source of pure air is a necessity in supplying air through filters to sedated patients under anesthesia or patients having difficulty in breathing. Contaminated moisturized air could put patients at risk, therefore the use of a medical air is mandatory.
  • Surgical Instruments: Medical tools used for puncturing, dissecting, and drilling highly depend on medical compressed air systems for functionality. Before, during and after surgical operations, these tools make the use of medical compressed air to be dried at constant intervals.
  • Medical Systems: Whether for supplying air to patients or anesthetic systems, the use of medical air through medical air compressors cannot be overemphasized.

For laboratory use, Industrial air compressors are fully utilized in the application of Helium recovery, gas and vacuum sealers, particle size analyzers, rheometers, viscometers, ION Chromatography, generators for Nitrogen, Oxygen, CO2 free purge air, Blood analyzers, chiropractic tables, Mammography X-Ray, Gas booms and many more.

Hence, it is important to install an industrial air compressor along with a medical air compressor.

In the area of medical tools maintenance, workbenches, trash cans, air filters need to be properly cleaned using compressed air that is connected to a technical air compressor installed as well.

Maintenance crew makes good use of technical compressed air for their tools needed to replace and repair hospital equipment. Service carts, emergency mattresses, and wheelchairs make use of technical compressed air to inflate their wheels.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”Suggested Products” use_theme_fonts=”yes” link=”|||”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”863″ img_size=”full” onclick=”custom_link” link=”http://www.medair.com.pk/oil-free-compressors/”][vc_column_text]PureAir Medical Compressor[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”933″ img_size=”full” onclick=”custom_link” link=”http://www.medair.com.pk/pumps-for-medical-ventilators-and-respirators/”][vc_empty_space height=”23px”][vc_column_text]Pumps For Ventilators[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]“Our employees in Lonate, Italy, raced to manufacture 26 Gardner Denver compressors for a London hospital in need,” said Enrique M. Viseras, vice president and general manager of our Industrial Technologies and Services, EMEIA business. “Their actions exemplify our values and illustrate true compassion and teamwork in a global time of need.”

Colin Mander, Ingersoll Rand’s European business line director, partnered with Richard Coar, group operations director of long-time distributor Ace Group of Manchester, England, to coordinate this large, rush order.

“The team worked tirelessly to get these machines built and delivered,” said Richard in a letter of appreciation. “The partnership between the ACE group and Ingersoll Rand will save people’s lives and I can’t praise your team and their exceptional effort enough; everyone should be very proud of what they have achieved.”

“I can’t even say I’m surprised,” smiled Enrique. “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—our people are the best. To the Lonate team—and all the others providing similar acts of exceptional service with compassion and selflessness—thank you.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

A multi-national medical OEM has placed a major order for side channel blower technology from Elmo Rietschle to help provide urgent medical ventilators needed in China in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19).

Since placing the order, the requirement for life saving ventilators has become a major global concern. Elmo Rietschle is, therefore, increasing its German-based manufacturing operations to meet this critical demand.

The side channel blowers specified are customized for the application and will be integrated into specialized medical ventilation and respiratory monitoring system for use in the brand-new hospital currently under construction in the Wuhan province, and other medical facilities globally.

Elmo Rietschle has worked successfully with the client for many years, providing a range of pump technologies as Ralph Keil, Central European Sales Director for Elmo Rietschle explains:

“We already have a proven and long-standing relationship with the OEM, helping to support the global ventilator supply.  We were approached because our side channel blower technology could be integrated as part of the emergency respiratory support systems.

“A key benefit of our side channel blower technology is that it is virtually maintenance-free, making it ideal for the rigors of a busy hospital environment.  Its compact and robust construction is particularly suited to the design requirements, which includes a specialized transport supply unit.  Designed for portability and ergonomic handling when gas cylinders are not available in transit, it was important that the pump specified was lightweight to enable ease of movement around hospitals intensive care units.

“The system includes a built-in turbine with rapid response time and up to five hours of independent ventilation.  As a result, the OEM was particularly interested in the speed control options, via an external or integral frequency convertor alongside the unit’s superior efficiency levels.” 

Quiet and hygienic operation

As with all medical devices supplied into a healthcare environment, noise levels are of particular importance. With its frictionless operation, the side-channel blower is particularly suited to healthcare applications due to its silent running, which helps to provide a quieter patient environment.

Hygiene is also a key concern and the unit is manufactured with a special coating that limits the build-up of any bacteria and which is impervious to dust and other environmental contaminants.  The blower is also manufactured in a purpose-built clean room environment, to ensure complete contamination control.

A doctor using ventilators to treat patient in ICU

Caroline Seit, Director of Manufacturing VP Tech from Elmo Rietschle adds:

“The new units will be installed and deployed shortly in the new ventilators, enabling the Chinese medical professionals to provide much-needed care to vulnerable patients recovering from the virus.  We have more than doubled our production of these units due to current and predicted future demand, as the need for ICU ventilators and respiratory equipment continues to grow, not just in China but across the globe.

We are also increasing production of other key Elmo Rietschle product lines to help meet the demand for vital medical equipment elsewhere. This includes the production of our side channel blowers, rotary vane and screw vacuum pumps to help support our customers.”

Gareth Topping, VP Tech and PD Blowers Business Line Director concludes:

“We are known for providing our ‘mission-critical’ products, services and solutions globally, which are depended upon by industries in the fight against Coronavirus CV-19 – whether it is equipment for ventilators supplied directly to hospitals, or used in food packaging lines to ensure our supermarkets are kept well stocked.

“We are working with industry to ensure we produce the equipment to keep vital equipment and supplies available to those who need it most.”

MedAir is the authorized distributor of Elmo Rietschle products in Pakistan



[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Unlike the other piped medical gases which are typically delivered to hospitals in cylinders, medical air is most often manufactured on-site. This is accomplished by pulling outside air into a medical air compressor which is connected to the piping system feeding the facility. Rarely, due to poor quality ambient air, medical air can be produced from blending compressed cylinder nitrogen and oxygen. Due to the large volume of air that most hospitals consume, on-site production is usually the most practical and economical method of supply. There is a down side, however, in that the equipment required to produce medical air suitable for patient use is quite complex and as such must be carefully installed and maintained to ensure that the risk of contamination or breakdown is kept to a minimum.

Most anesthesiologists are unaware of the complexity of the systems used to produce the medical air that they use. As medical air is considered by United States Pharmacopoeia to be a manufactured drug, anesthesiologists should be aware of the quality of the medical air produced in their facility and delivered to their patients. This article is meant to provide a basic understanding of a typical medical air system, including the purpose and operation of the key components. A familiarity with these basics should be sufficient to allow anesthesiologists to make inquires concerning the quality of the medical air delivered to their patients.

Medical air is used for a variety of patient applications. Many patients sensitive to oxygen toxicity are delivered air to lower their exposure to oxygen. Many of these patients have extremely delicate respiratory systems or processes which rely on a pure, accurate concentration of medical air. Some examples of patients dependent on a reliable, quality air supply would be neonates and those patients suffering from adult respiratory depression syndrome. Medical air is also used during anesthesia as a substitute for nitrous oxide to reduce the high concentration of oxygen exposure. While the source of medical air may be a manifold with a bank of compressed air cylinders, most hospitals use a compressor system. This article will refer to installations with air compressors. An illustration of a typical medical air plant is provided for your reference throughout this article’s discussion. To better understand the medical air system, we will follow the path of the air as it flows through the key components, from the source to the patient.

Start at the Source

The logical place to start learning about the medical air system is the intake pipe of the compressor. The intake is usually located on the facility’s roof. The intake location can have a major impact on the quality of the medical air produced. The location, design, and components of the air intake are described in National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes. NFPA 99, Standard for Health Care Facilities, recommendations for the design of medical gas systems are followed throughout the United States and will be referenced frequently in this article. However, you should be aware that local codes can supersede NFPA codes. NFPA 99 Sec. 4- states that the air intake shall be located outdoors above roof level, a minimum distance of 10 feet (3m) from any door, window, other intakes, or opening in the building, and a minimum distance of 20 feet above the ground. Intakes shall be turned down and screened or otherwise protected against entry of vermin or water with screening that shall be fabricated or composed of a non-corrosive material, such as stainless steel or other suitable materials. The NFPA allows flexibility when the roofs are staggered in height and suggests that factors such as the size of roofs, distance to nearest doors and windows, and the presence of other roof equipment can influence the final location. The intake need not always be higher than the highest roof.

In the case where there is more than one compressor system in the hospital, it is permissible to join pipes from separate compressors to one intake pipe which must be properly sized. However, the design must allow each compressor intake to be closed off by check valve, blind flange, or tube cap when a compressor is removed from service. This is meant to prevent mechanical room air from being drawn into the system from the open pipe.

The intake shall be labeled as the source of medical air. There has been a case where the medical air intake was located in the facilities heating ventilation air conditioning (HVAC) system. The coils on an HVAC system were being washed with an acidic solution for cleaning and maintenance. This resulted in fumes being unknowingly drawn into the medical air system and to the patients.

Air quality varies from region to region and even with proximity of your facility. For example, the air on the roof of a hospital located within a large city will not be as pure as air at a rural hospital. Yet, a rural facility’s air can be polluted by its proximity to a major highway, or the air intake placed too close to the medical vacuum system exhaust outlet. The latter is not an uncommon source of bacterial pollution where the gases from vacuum systems, literally of sewer quality, can be sucked into its medical air intake pipe. In older facilities the air intake may have been properly located and initially certified, but, there are cases where an intake became improperly located as the environment around the intake changed through facility expansion. Such has been the case with the addition of helicopter pads, parking lots, and truck loading docks where exhausts rich in carbon monoxide and engine pollutants were thus introduced in the manufacture of medical air.

The infamous “tweety bird” at the APSF scientific exhibit “Look Beyond the Walls” is an example of gross particulate contamination of a medical air supply. In this case, a bird was aspirated into the medical air compressor of a hospital and had occluded the system. The foul odor resulting from the decaying bird was a patient complaint that brought our committee member, Mr. Fred Evans, to service the system. Foul odor of any kind in a medical air system must be investigated. If the bird entered the system through an unscreened roof intake, the hospital was in violation of NFPA code. However, the entry was most likely through a break in the intake pipe which ran along a warehouse roof in course from the roof intake to the compressor. The break in pipeline continuity was a contractor error.

Interestingly, NFPA permits the intake to be within the building when the air source is equal or better than outside air, as filtered for use in operating rooms ventilating systems. It must be available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and periodically checked for purity. It is a good practice to test both the inside and outside air to occasionally determine if the inside air is of equal or better quality. Unless removed through the use of scrubbers or special filtration, any undesirable gases found in the atmosphere where the intake pipe is located will be compressed and delivered through the medical air system. Examples of this were covered at the beginning of the article.

Air Compressor and Its System

Inlet Filter/Muffler:

The air compressor process takes eight cubic feet of ambient air and compresses it into one cubic foot of compressed air. As a result, containments such as particulate matter, pollen, water, carbon monoxide, and breakdown materials of internal combustion engines or other containments are concentrated. Therefore, it is necessary to have methods in the manufacturing process to eliminate contaminates. The inlet filter/muffler should be located in the inlet side of the air compressor and can be part of some factory compressor packages. It is not uncommon for some systems to lack this filter since NFPA does not recognize it as a standard. Its primary function is to filter gross particulate from the ambient air aspirated through the screened intake usually located on the roof. It also acts as muffler for the air compressor to reduce noise pollution.

Air Compressor:

The air, usually from the atmosphere, is compressed by multiplexed medical air compressors, the “heart” of the medical air system. Two or more compressors (usually two) must be used for the support of medical air. Triplex and quadraplex systems are also available for facilities requiring greater demand. Simplex system components are not acceptable by NFPA 99. The duplication of much of the medical air systems provides a backup system if one unit breaks down or is in need of repair. The multiplexing provided by alternating units extends the life of the units and provides backup during demand overload. NFPA 99 requires that each unit separately must be capable of maintaining the supply of air at peak demand (NFPA 99 Sec. 4- Each compressor should be provided with an isolation valve, a pressure relief valve, and a check valve in its discharge line. Each compressor should be isolated from the system for servicing through an isolation (shut-off) valve in its discharge line. As stated in NFPA 99 Sec. 4-, “The medical air compressors shall be designed to prevent the introduction of contaminants or liquid into the pipeline by: (a) Elimination of oil anywhere in the compressor, or (b) Separation of the oil-containing section by an open area to atmosphere, which allows continuous visual inspection of the interconnecting shaft.”There have been cases where non-medical grade compressors have been installed in hospitals which can create oils, water, and toxic oil breakdown products to mix with the medical air.

The medical air system is intended to produce gas used exclusively for breathable air delivered to patients through devices such as: flowmeters, blenders, anesthesia machines, and critical care ventilators. This would also include instruments that exhaust into the pharynx such as dental tools and pneumatically powered surgical tools. Medical air should not be used for non-medical applications such as powering pneumatic operated doors, engineering, or maintenance needs. As stated in NFPA 99, “As a compressed air supply source, a medical air compressor should not be used to supply air for other purposes because such use could increase service interruptions, reduced service life, and introduce additional opportunities for contamination.”

Aftercoolers (if required):

In larger air plants, aftercoolers may be desirable. Through the compression process air is heated and warmer air holds more moisture. Aftercoolers are used to reduce the temperature of the air after the compression process; this results in the precipitation of water. This water is then drained off. Aftercoolers should be duplexed so that one unit can handle 100% of the load. They should have water traps with automatic drains for water removal and isolation valves for servicing without the need to shut down the system. Although aftercoolers remove gross amounts of water they are not a substitute for dryers (see below).


The receiver is a large cylindrically shaped reservoir which stores a reserve volume of compressed air for usage. The receiver allows the efficient on/off operation of the compressors. Receivers are usually composed of iron and can be a source for rust particulate. Even though iron receivers meet NFPA standards, this material is subject to oxidation and flaking when introduced to moisture. Stainless steel receivers are available and should be installed during new construction, repair, or expansion despite the minimum NFPA standard. The receiver should be equipped with a pressure relief valve, site glass, pressure gauge, and a water trap with an automatic drain. The receiver should also be provided with a three valve bypass to allow servicing.

Air Dryers:

Dryers are an essential part of the system used to remove the water produced in the manufacturing process by the compression of ambient air which may be rich with humidity. Air dryers are usually of the refrigerant or desiccant type technology. Refrigerant dryers are an air-to-air refrigerant heat exchanger, a mechanical condensate separator, and an automatic drain trap. While desiccant dryers use an adsorption process to remove water, desiccant particulate can contaminate medical air if not properly maintained or filtered. The dryers should be duplexed so that only one dryer is used at one given time. Hence, each dryer should be capable of handling 100% of the load. They should also use bypass valves for isolation during servicing. Desiccant dryers are approximately 50% more expensive than refrigerant dryers.

Final Line Filters:

Important components of the medical air system are final line filters used to prevent introduction of particulate, oil, and odors from the medical air supply. Some contaminants may be introduced as hydrocarbons from leaking oil seals, spill-over from overloaded filters, rust flaking from a receiver, etc. NFPA 99 states, “Each of the filters shall be sized for 100% of the system peak calculated demand at design conditions and be rated for a minimum of 98% efficiency at 1 micron. These filters shall be equipped with a continuous visual indicator showing the status of the filter element life.” The need for visual indication was added by NFPA in 1993. The filters shall also be duplexed for isolation and shut down for servicing without completely shutting down the system. NFPA 99 recommends quarterly inspection of the filters. Some manufacturers provided filtration capabilities down to a .1 micron level. In environments with high concentrations of carbon monoxide special scrubbers may be introduced at this location to remove this or other pollutants.

Final Line Regulators:

Final line regulators should provide operating pressure for medical air throughout the facility at 50 to 55 psig. Whereas, the air compressor plant generates operating pressures of 80 to 100 psig. to facilitate the efficiency of the dryers. The regulators should be duplexed with isolation valves to allow servicing without the need to shut down the system. In Air Quality Monitoring as of the 1993 edition, NFPA 99 requires new construction to have continuous monitoring with central alarm capabilities for dew point and carbon monoxide contaminants downstream of the dryers and upstream of the piping system. These requirements have been largely driven by the water and elevated levels of carbon monoxide found in some medical gas systems.

Shut-off Valves:

The source shut-off valve should be located to permit the entire source of supply to be isolated from the piping system. This valve is located at the air compressor and its accessories downstream of the final line regulators. All shut-off valves should be quarter turn, specially cleaned, ball valves suitable for medical gas applications. The main supply shut-off valve should be located downstream of the source valve and outside of the enclosure, source room, or where the main line source first enters the building. The purpose of this valve is to shut off the supply in case of emergency or if the source valve is inaccessible. Each riser distributing gases to the above floors should have a shut-off valve adjacent to the riser connection. Each lateral branch or zone shall be provided with a shut-off valve which controls the flow of gases to the patient rooms on that branch. The branch/zone valve should allow the control of gases to that specific area and not effect the gas flow anywhere else in the system. Pressure gauges should be provided downstream of each lateral branch shut-off valve. NFPA 99 also states: “Anesthetizing locations and other vital life-support and critical areas, such as postanesthesia recovery, intensive care units, and coronary care units, shall be supplied directly from the riser without intervening valves…””A shut-off valve shall be located outside each anesthetizing location in each medical gas line, so located as to readily be accessible at all times for use in an emergency.” It is important that all shut-off valves be labeled with a caution, the name of the gas, and the location(s) which the valve controls. There have been numerous incidents of medical gases being shut off due to poor labeling (if any) of the valve and the locations which it supplies.


An automatic pressure switch shall be located downstream of the main supply line shut-off valve. A visual and audible alarm should indicate a rise or fall of the main line pressure above or below the nominal line pressure. The alarm should be located where it is continuously monitored throughout the facility’s time of operation. NFPA 99 states, “Area alarms shall be provided for anesthetizing locations and critical care areas. Warning signals shall be provided for all medical gas piping systems supplying these areas…” The area alarm in the anesthetizing location is intended to monitor all locations on a single branch, not each individual operating room.


Piping which is used for the system downstream of the source shut-off valve shall be composed of copper. NFPA states: “Piping shall be hard-drawn seamless medical gas tube Type K or L (ASTM B819), and bear one of the following markings: OXY, MED, OXY/MED, ACR/OXY, or ACR/MED.” Medical air pipes are to be of the same material and quality as oxygen pipes.

The type of material used with the compressors and with the piping system shall be non-corrosive. Copper and brass are most commonly used. The pipe bringing air from the outside intake to the compressor should be non-corrosive since it is exposed to moisture and atmospheric contaminants. Although the NFPA does not spell out the intake pipe’s specific composition, as it does for the compressor and the pipeline downstream, the intake pipe should not be iron. It is not uncommon to find the plumbing contractors engaged to install medical piping to treat the piping as ordinary water or sewer plumbing. Galvanized steel is also unacceptable since the zinc plating could flake off under the pressure and flow of gases.

A recent (1995) major hospital inspection was found to have iron piping between the medical air compressor, dryers, receiver, and aftercoolers. The system had been certified as meeting NFPA codes seven years earlier. The correction of such design errors can be expensive. It is far more reasonable for the anesthesiologists to be aware of basic construction codes and have a say in proper installation from the beginning. Iron and galvanized pipe may oxidize, resulting in particulate matter flaking off from the pressure and flow, and will result in being carried downstream where it may interfere with the flow of gases or proper operation of station outlets, ventilators, blenders, anesthesia systems, or other pieces of secondary equipment.

Station Patient/Outlets:

Station outlets consist of primary and secondary check valves which allow secondary pieces of equipment to be attached to the medical gas line. Station outlets should be used only for the delivery of gases intended for medical use. The outlet shall also be designed as being gas specific by using size or keyed dissimilar connections specific for each individual gas. Each outlet shall be labeled with the name or chemical symbol and the specific color coding for the gas supplied.

More on Contaminants and Particulates:

Water is the most common contaminant found in medical air lines and is perhaps the most insidious of the contaminants found. It can also cause some of the most costly damage to secondary equipment. Water, unlike particulate, can pass through particulate filters and make its way into anesthesia machines, ventilators, other commonly used secondary equipment, and the patient as well. Jerry Lavene, Manager of the Anesthesia Vaporizer Repair Center from Ohmeda, states “The most common contaminant we find in vaporizers during their disassemble for remanufacture is moisture. Moisture or the combined effects of moisture with the anesthetic agent can create issues within the internal mechanisms of the vaporizer.” Some critical care ventilators saturated with water were non-repairable and had to be scraped by one facility. The anesthesia machines required a complete overhaul to restore them to usable condition. The presence of water can also provide the medium for bacterial growth. Water located in medical air lines which are subjected to low temperatures can freeze and occlude gas flow. Water can also facilitate the oxidation of the copper piping inside the medical air line.

Water may be introduced through a variety of ways. Inadequate removal of water through undersized, saturated, or the lack of appropriate air dryers is common. Water may be introduced through malfunctioning liquid ring air compressor components. Failure of automatic drains in aftercoolers, receivers, dryers, or other components of the medical air plant is an area of frequent fault allowing unwanted water into the system.

Oils can be introduced through a non-medical grade air compressor being installed. This may occur through improper equipment specification or purchasing. Medical grade compressors have been known to fail and introduce oil into the system. Some medical air compressors are now available which use a totally oil-less compressor technology to prevent this possibility. Don’t assume the air compressor being used for your facility is suitable for medical grade air. The possibility of oil contamination has resulted in hydrocarbon monitoring requirements.

Construction debris such as sand, solder, flux, dirt, vermin, and so on have been found in medical air lines due to poor techniques in the construction process. These particulates can be introduced downstream of the filtration system located at the medical air plant. This can be avoided through proper design, installation procedures and techniques, and final testing (certification) of the new system or addition. There are processes available to remove these contaminants found in existing systems. Medical air is an important life sustaining gas commonly used in our facilities. Anesthesiologists should be aware of those responsible for overseeing the medical air system and their qualifications. During construction they should be aware of design and installation specifications. Preventative maintenance programs should be in place and the results of as many as 17 tests performed at required intervals should be reviewed and evaluated.

Vigilance will result in patients receiving clean and safe medical air. Ask yourself, “Would you want your family placed on your present medical air system?”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

medical air

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Medical gas is critical to the function of hospitals and many other healthcare facilities. Knowing the most common types of gases, understanding how each is used, and then how to maintain your systems for each gas will ensure your facility’s success.

1. Medical Air

Medical Air refers to a clean supply of compressed air used in hospitals and healthcare facilities to distribute medical gas. It is free of contamination and particles, has no oil or odors, and is dry to prevent water buildup in your facility’s pipeline.

When a patient is in the operating room, whether it’s an emergency or not, a surgeon relies on a medical air compressor to keep the patient comfortable and breathing. Medical air sources shall be connected to the medical air distribution system only and shall be used only for air in the application of human respiration and calibration of medical devices for respiratory application.

What is Instrument Air?

Medical Instrument Air is compressed air purified to meet the requirements of the Instrument Society of America and NFPA as an alternative to Nitrogen. Equivalent to Nitrogen in pressure, dryness, and cleanliness, Instrument Air can support multiple medical applications including driving surgical tools, operating pneumatic brakes and tables, central sterile supply, and laboratory air.

Smaller operations that do not want to have a separate compressors and piping line use pure nitrogen out of cylinders for this purpose.

There are three different compressors that are strongly favored for the distribution of medical air: Scroll, Oil-Less Reciprocating and Oil-Free Tooth Machines. Oil-free and oil-less technology is the preferred method to distribute medical air, because it is the simplest and most cost effective solution.

A scroll compressor works by using one stationary scroll and one moving scroll. The moving one orbits the stationary one to compress the air. The space for the trapped air gets smaller and smaller, decreasing the volume and thereby increasing the pressure.

This compressor type is used in distributing med gas, because required maintenance is minimal, and they operate well in all duty cycles. Scroll compressors are also very clean, quiet, and small, making them ideal for distributing med gas in your hospital or clinic setting.

Scroll compressors are most commonly used for carrying medical gas for anesthesia, to calibrate surgical tools, and to power incubators and ventilators.

Oil-less reciprocating compressors are used to distribute medical air when an intermittent cycle is needed. Installation is inexpensive, noise level is low, and maintenance is cost effective. It is designed to keep oil out of the compression chamber and air stream, and does not add any flammable or toxic contaminants to the air. The med gas typically travels through clean copper piping that leads to your surgical suites and patient rooms to supply medical outlets for ventilators and respirators.

Oil-free tooth compressors, such as the Atlas Copco’s ZT-MED featured on their website, prevent oil contamination and the expenses that go with it. There is no risk to your patients, nor risk of damage to your expensive hospital equipment. They operate quietly, are self-regulating, and are easy to maintain.

In addition, Atlas Copco offers a state-of-the-art software tool that assists your hospital engineers, medical specialists, and developers. This tool helps to determine the size and quantity of compressors needed, along with the necessary purifiers and vessels to meet your medical gas flow requirements.

2. Oxygen

Oxygen is a medical gas required in every healthcare setting, and is used for resuscitation and inhalation therapy. It was introduced in the early 1900’s. You can use it for medical conditions such as COPD, cyanosis, shock, severe hemorrhage, carbon monoxide poisoning, trauma, cardiovascular and respiratory arrest, resuscitation, and life support.

3. Carbon Dioxide

Carbon Dioxide is used for insufflating medical gas for less invasive surgeries like laparoscopy, arthroscopy, endoscopy, and cryotherapy, as well as for respiratory stimulation during and after anesthesia. CO2 may be piped in large hospitals, but more likely comes from a tank.

4. Nitrogen (Medical Liquid Nitrogen)

Nitrogen is a medical gas used for cryosurgery removal of some cancers and skin lesions, and also for the storage of tissues, cells, and blood in cryogenic temperatures to avoid oxidation of the samples. It can also be used as part of the medical gas mixture for lung function tests. The pharmaceutical industry uses this medical gas in the manufacture of medications.

Nitrogen as a gas is used to power tools in places where they do not have instrument air. Most of the time it comes from a manifold of cylinders and is piped at pressure with an alarm system at the source and on the use site.

Liquid nitrogen is a couple hundred degrees below zero and freezes tissue on contact. So it could be used in a procedure room (to take off warts, etc) or to freeze tissue samples, but it usually would not be in an OR.. Plus, it comes in gigantically insulated pressurized bottles so it does not evaporate.

5. Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous Oxide is a medical gas commonly known as “laughing gas” and dentists began using it as an analgesic in 1812. Since then, this medical gas is used in numerous surgical procedures as both an anesthetic and analgesic.

There are certain times when this medical gas is contraindicated and patients undergoing those types of procedures are provided with a medical gas warning wristband that alerts your facility’s staff not to administer it.

Inspecting Your Med Gas Systems

Your medical gas systems need to be inspected regularly, not only because they are critical to your patients’ well-being, but also because those inspections can make the difference between financial success or failure. It is important that you supply your facility’s technicians with repair, maintenance, and operational information to keep your medical gas systems both safe and cost effective.

Medical gas, like other medical products, must have a Marketing Authorization (product license) in order to be sold. Equipment must have a CE marking to indicate that it complies with the Medical Devices Directive.

Annual inspections of the following medical gas systems are required:

  • Bulk oxygen system
  • All central supply systems
  • Carbon Monoxide monitor (more often than annually if the manufacturer recommends it)

Periodic inspections are also required for the inlets and outlets, the alarm warning system, as well as for the maintenance programs for all central supply systems.

Additionally, the Joint Commission requires all accredited facilities to inspect, test, and maintain the following:

  • Piping
  • Master and area alarms
  • Outlets
  • Flexible connectors
  • Automatic pressure switches
  • Shut-off valves


Knowing the differences between the various types of gases and compressors as well as understanding their maintenance requirements is key for facility managers and other staff. Adhering to proper maintenance standards will allow your facility to avoid unnecessary risks and delays. Plus, understanding the types of gases you are using, and how to use them properly, will maintain top patient safety.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]SHJ Hospital Pipelines (SHJ) is using Gardner Denver’s Elmo Rietschle oil-free, screw vacuum pumps in its piped medical gas systems.

SHJ is a supplier of piped medical gas systems for hospitals, which incorporate vacuum technology to help draw off liquids that might occur[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”860″ img_size=”medium”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1573213702813{margin-top: 0px !important;border-top-width: 0px !important;padding-top: 0px !important;}”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1573213741159{margin-top: 0px !important;border-top-width: 0px !important;padding-top: 0px !important;}”]during surgery in theatres or from patients staying onwards. Having worked with an extensive range of NHS trusts and healthcare organizations for the past 40 years, the company is responsible for designing, installing and maintaining these critical gas systems in hospitals across the UK.

To help deliver the medical gas required, Gardner Denver has supplied its S-VSI 301 screw vacuum pump to SHJ.

The dry-running screw vacuum technology is said to require less maintenance than alternative oil-lubricated models. There is no oil at all within the screw technology’s pumping chamber and so the risk of process contamination is reduced to zero. This makes it ideally suited to healthcare environments.

The S-VSI screw vacuum pumps offer suction capacities from 100 to 600 m3/h and end vacuum of 0.01 mbar (abs.). They also offer low noise levels – an important consideration for SHJ.

Kevin Witt, service manager at SHJ, explains: “The gas used in hospitals is absolutely vital. There’s typically no back-up to the vacuum pump being used in these medical gas systems, so it’s critical that we install trusted and reliable plant equipment.

“Most hospitals will commonly fit oil-lubricated centrifugal vane vacuum pumps within these systems. In contrast, we are one of only a few medical gas companies in the UK that are now using screw vacuum pumps too. This is for a number of good reasons, but the key one is the improved energy efficiency that the technology offers. Driven by an inverter, these variable-speed vacuum pumps are in line with the NHS’ commitment to reducing its carbon footprint, offering an efficient solution that consumes less energy.

“Oil-free technology requires less servicing as well, which is another key advantage. There is only oil in the gearboxes and bearings, which means no separator elements are required. The result? Maintenance spends that is at a fraction of the cost of oil-lubricated models.”

The S-VSI screw vacuum pumps have already been supplied to a range of hospitals with existing vacuum plant, in order to help medical gas systems operate more efficiently. This includes Charing Cross Hospital, Hammersmith Hospital and St Mary’s Hospital in London.

Rocco Fanella, Northern Europe key account manager at Gardner Denver, adds: “We initially approached SHJ some years ago, replacing a number of competitor rotary vane pumps with screw models, which were better suited to meet the needs of SHJ’s customers. Thanks to their oil-free operation, our latest screw pumps provide long service intervals, helping to dramatically cut down on costs, while delivering efficient vacuum that can be relied on. SHJ’s units deliver essential medical gas to hospitals across the country, and we are very happy that our screw vacuum pumps play such an important role in these systems.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]